Saturday, October 26, 2024

Artificial Intelligence as a Creator: Is It Time for a New Award Category?

In 2024, Bulgaria became the scene of an unexpected cultural and ethical debate, sparked by a case at the national youth poetry competition "Veselin Hanchev." One participant, Hristian Papazov, registered under false details and presented the poem “Grandfather”, entirely created by artificial intelligence. When Papazov revealed that the text was AI-generated and declined the award, the organizers faced a dilemma, raising the question of how works created by intelligent systems should be evaluated. The case sparked a debate about the future of competitions and highlighted the lack of effective methods for identifying AI-created works.

Learning and Creativity: AI and Humans

The value of AI creativity is often underestimated with the argument that AI "learned" based on existing styles and works, downplaying its unique contribution. However, such undervaluing is paradoxical, as humans also learn before creating their own art. There is no artist who hasn’t drawn inspiration or knowledge from previous works, whether in painting, poetry, or music. So why should "learning" be considered less significant in AI? Both humans and intelligent systems expand their capabilities through learning, and in both cases, the creative product is valuable precisely for the innovation it brings.

Proposal for a New Award Category: "AI Creativity"

For such works to be respected and recognized, competitions could create a special category for "AI Creativity." In this way, we can ensure clarity and show that AI can be a creative partner enriching the cultural landscape. At the same time, those who present AI-created works as entirely their own without proper disclosure would be subject to ethical sanctions.


The case of Hristian Papazov makes us aware of the need for a new approach in art and literature competitions that acknowledges the creative potential of artificial intelligence. Creating categories that recognize the joint creativity of AI and humans will not only establish intelligent systems in the arts but also prepare society for the ethical and innovative potential of these technologies. The first step toward this goal is the creation of a new category, which would encourage honesty, recognition, and transparency in creative competitions, where AI is no longer just an observer but a creator.


ChatGPT – Generative Language Model 

Lyudmila Boyanova – Psychologist

DALL-E – Generative Neural Network for Images

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